Salesforce mortgage data solution

A Salesforce mortgage solution that enables finance, product, marketing & sales to execute data-driven strategies to grow revenues and expand market share.

Provide visibility of loan & settlement services volume and market share, down to the individual lender level, directly from your Salesforce mortgage environment.

If you are looking for a repeatable data-driven approach to grow your business.

salesforce mortgage
salesforce mortgage

Salesforce mortgage data solution

A Salesforce mortgage solution that enables finance, product, marketing & sales to execute data-driven strategies to grow revenues and expand market share.

Provide visibility down to the individual lender level of loan & settlement services volume and market share, directly from your Salesforce mortgage environment.

If you are looking for a repeatable data-driven approach to grow your business.

salesforce mortgage

Salesforce mortgage package

Enhances Account, Opportunity, Contact and Lead objects
Predefined Custom Fields & Global Value Sets for industry data
Dashboards & Reports for industry & institution level
Classification of Job Level & Role (Contacts & Leads)
Classification of Financial Institutions & Vendors (Accounts)
salesforce mortgage
salesforce mortgage

Track volumes at industry, market segment & institution-level

Agency issuance and servicing portfolios
Bank agency & portfolio originations & servicing
Credit union agency & portfolio originations & servicing
Retail, wholesale & correspondent channels
Aggregators and correspondent sellers
Purchase, cash-out & non cash-out refinance

Loan-level attribute analysis

Property – single family, condo, PUD, cooperative, manufactured housing, and multi-family
Occupancy – owner occupied, second home & investment
Settlement services – RON, MI, DPA, etc.
Borrower – CLTV, DTI, Credit Score & First time buyer
Valuation eligibility & utilization – appraisals, appraisal waivers & inspection-based waivers
salesforce mortgage
salesforce mortgage

Simplified data management

Lending profile – GSE seller/correspondent, GNM seller/correspondent, bank & credit union portfolio, and PLS
Loan volumes – 1st mortgage closed-end, 2nd mortgage closed-end, HELOC and reverse mortgage
Loan securitization & originations dates (monthly)
Unique institution IDs and standardized names

Nonbank lenders for 1st & 2nd mortgage & HELOCS

Bank lenders for 1st & 2nd mortgages and HELOCS

Credit union for 1st & 2nd mortgages and HELOCS

Active agency correspondent sellers

Active GSE agency seller/servicers

Frequently Asked Questions

No, this is an unmanaged package that is accessed via a private URL and password, and not available via AppExchange.

A total of 66 components, including 25 Account, 2 Contact, 2 Lead and 11 Opportunity fields, plus 12 Global Value Sets, 10 Reports and 3 Dashboards.

Yes, because this is a Salesforce unmanaged package all the components can be edited or deleted.

Yes, MtgeFi will incorporate additional components if generally applicable, or create a bespoke customer package.

Yes, annual subscriptions can be purchased, with scheduled product deliveries monthly.

Yes, we provide limited samples of historic data for review.

Hubspot does not have similar package management functionality, but we license the Company, Deal and Contact custom property definitions to customers.

Agency originations data is available monthly; ready for delivery on the seventh business day after month end. Non-agency data is refreshed quarterly.

We support credit card and ACH payment methods.

Take the next step to grow your business

Find out how to monitor your market share and forecast revenue growth

Invaluable insight into mortgage volumes and market dynamics…”

We evaluate a lot of mortgage technology and services businesses. This allows us to quickly run customer- level models to decide if and how we should proceed.

— Partner, Private Equity

“We can plan for monthly lender performance calls…”

Before we start the monthly call we know the upside opportunity and downside risk associated with performance. We can request pipeline in areas we know we can perform; it’s a win-win.

— SVP Operations, Title & Valuations

“We know what unit volume commitments we should ask for…”

When on-boarding new lenders we are asked to implement one-off processes on promises of volume. This knowledge allows us to secure a volume ramp based on hitting agreed milestones.

— EVP Sales, Large National AMC

“We track progress on appraisal (modernization) initiatives…”

We report monthly on these new waiver and hybrid programs to our production executives. We want to offer our LOs and borrowers the most innovative and cost effective choices we can.

— Collateral Policy, Top 20 Lender

“The top lender rankings have completely changed in 2023…”

This takes the guesswork out of sales. We know which lenders to target, and can see who is gaining or losing originations volume – big lenders have dropped significantly in the rankings.

— CEO, Mortgage Data & Analytics

“We are scrutinizing every marketing dollar we spend..”

We use the insights to update the originations market segmentation every month – we use it to evaluate content, conferences, and advertising – we invest where we can forecast a realistic ROI.

— CMO, Mortgage Settlement Software