Property Data Reports now used by 392 lenders this year

property data reports in September 2023

For September 2023, GSE originations totaled $57.7BN, up 3.4% on the prior month. For property valuations, $49.8BN (86.3%) closed using appraisals and $7.03BN (12.1%) closed utilizing appraisal waivers. Lenders closed $848MM (1.5%) with appraisal waivers and property data reports, up over 21% on the prior month of August.

Property Data Reports

The Freddie Mac ACE+ PDR (Automated Collateral Evaluation plus Property Data Report) solution has 207 lenders delivering loans year-to-date, increasing 13% over last month. More notably, since the announced expansion of ACE+ PDR on August 2, 2023 to include purchase loans with an LTV up to 80%, volume grew 32% over the prior month, taking total share of inspection based waivers to 42%. Fannie Mae increased participation for the year to 333 lenders participating in Value Acceptance and Property Data, including 159 community banks and credit unions and 174 non-banks.

Production channel

Retail channels accounted for 63% of appraisal waivers and property data reports, growing 27% to $532M. Mortgage brokers accounted for 24% and correspondent sellers 13% of volume, each growing 13% on the prior month.

Top lenders

The joint Rocket and UWM market share remained at 50%, with Rocket posting another large monthly gain of 65%. More non banks grew use of these property data report programs including Nations Lending, Freedom Mortgage and PHH who grew 209%, 147% and 119% respectively over prior months as they continue to take advantage of these programs.

More about appraisal waivers and property data reports

For lenders who wish to learn more, you can check out the the following articles. These include links to the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collateral valuation modernization strategies, new programs, selling guide updates, FAQs, process flow, job aids, approved technology and service providers, and information about the property data standards and user guides:

In addition, you can access the Freddie Mac ACE+ PDR Solution page and the Fannie Mae Value Acceptance + Property Data FAQ.

See Q4 2023 mortgage originator volumes by property valuation type

MtgeFi identifies the originators using appraisals, inspection-based waivers and appraisal waivers